Monday, March 4, 2013

Google Sketchup Design Exercise 3

On this last exersice I had a difficult time working on it. The first three or four steps were really easy to do. But as soon as I begin to start on the stairs I had to most difficult time. I wasnt very successful on makeing the stair a component as I frequently always included the wall as part of the component. I was in class the whole rest of the period working on that. I was determined to worked on it and at home I finish the stairs including the rail. While doing the rail I had thought it was going to be something difficult but if you follow the steps it turn to be actually easy to do. The rest of the exercise included very easy thing such as adding furniture to the room. I think I did took a while as there were many components when adding a certain item. It took me a while to find what actually was on the exercise, however on some of the things i was looking for a long time but couldnt find the exact thing to i just added soemthing similar to it. At home I did had a long hour trying to do the rail on the second floor I was exhaust and fustrated as i could get the rail done. At school I was able to accomplish the rail so at home I just went and added the rail. I think that the most difficult part was making my own rail.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Google SketchUp Design Exercise 2

In this exercise I had a long diffuilt time. I must say that this one require of following step by steps. I took me two days for me to finally figure the way I could add the windows. In this exercise I learn how to make a compenet and how to move and copy an entire row of windows. I also learn how to edit more then one thing at a time instead of doing it one by one. I was also to use make unique certain windows instead of the others. I also was able to use the key to insert spaces that that I would like between the items that I have added on to the building. In this building I was also able to add a arche to the building. I have to say that the most difficulty part of this would be have to make the whoel entire window a component and moving it as well.